House of Cards has Chinese salivating over Freddy’s BBQ ribs

A Sino billionaire fleeing corruption charges, currency manipulation, suspected cyber espionage. It’s no wonder House of Cards Season 2 has been so popular in China.

According to figures from, Season 2 has been viewed 55 million times since its release on 14 February. The majority of viewers are from China’s political centre – Beijing. Just like Netflix, Sohu has made available all 13 episodes for streaming so Chinese viewers can binge watch the show.

Source: Netflix

Source: Netflix

While plotting to overtake the White House, Frank Underwood is often seen tucking into a delicious rack of BBQ ribs at a run down joint called Freddy’s. Apparently, these scenes have sent Chinese fans into a rib eating frenzy.

According to Chinese netizens, watching scenes like these are making their mouths water. Chinese viewers can’t wait to find a joint like Freddy’s so they too can be like Frank and get their fingers greasy with his delicious ribs. For Chinese viewers in second and third tier cities, the wait will have to be longer.

We visited Homplate BBQ, one of the few places in Beijing that serve authentic American BBQ ribs. The restaurant’s manager, Brian Murray said “ribs sales have been steady”. After checking the numbers he was surprised that recently there has been a big spike in ribs ordered. “In the month of February there was a 25% increase in sales, but in March the sales increased by 60%!”

Homeplates's ribs are 100% grain fed sourced from Iowa

A sticky mess.  Homeplates’s ribs are 100% grass fed sourced from Iowa

It’s not just a coincidence that there has been an increase in rib sales since HOC Season 2 started to air.

Local fans think Homplate's ribs are the next best thing to Freddy's

Local fans think Homplate’s ribs are the next best thing to Freddy’s

American TV writers and foreign-owned restaurant chains should work together to find out how these shows influence the eating habits of the Chinese. Especially since Chinese TV shows, which lack original high quality content, have a long way to go to before they can influence eating habits of locals. I can’t say when I watched some actors eat a meal in “We Get Married” (a local show popular with Chinese) that I wanted to go out for some cabbage and pork knuckle stew. In the mean time, places like Homeplate are winning over Chinese palates with a little help from shows like HOC.

Kevin spacey gif

Comments posted by some hungry viewers from Baidu Tieba


I’ve just seen the ribs in House of Cards.  I’m feeling hungry!!

On being Mao Luo:

I so want to eat them.  Especially after a hard day’s work.  If I can relax and have a few rack of ribs with a side of fries and ketchup and a large coke.  That would be heaven.  The whole world will belong to me.  I’m from Chengdu. I don’t think I can even find this at Pizza Hut or on the street.

icultfilm and Jing Gong:

These things that Frank is eating on House of Cards. What is it? Steak?

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